Xbox 360 with Xbox Live Review
XBOX Live is a service that is exclusively for XBOX 360 users. Users can enjoy downloading games, playing online with their friends and family, and watch high definition movies and television shows as well. There are different packages available with different pricing options. There is truly something for everyone with XBOX Live. This service also allows users to connect to live television broadcast like sports events and more. Users can also use only their voice to browse through the content they have stored. Music can also be enjoyed with XBOX Live.
What We Liked
- Variety Of Options- Users will have music, games, movies, and television shows to pick from with their XBOX Live subscription. All of the hottest new releases can easily be enjoyed right from the comfort of your own home.
- Easy To Use- You do not have to spend hours browsing through the various content looking for one particular movie or show. You can simply use your voice. XBOX Live allows users to search for entertainment options using their voice. This feature is powered by Bing. State what you would like to watch and let XBOX Live do all of the work for you.
- Supported Programs- Users can also enjoy other subscription services like Netflix or Hulu Plus with their XBOX Live subscription. Zune, ESPN, Verizon FiOS, and even SyFy can all be enjoyed with just a click of a button. These are just a few of the many options that users will have to choose from.
- Gold And Silver Level Memberships- Users do not have to pay for features that they do not or will not use. The Silver level membership is completely free and provides most of the great perks that XBOX Live users love. The Gold level membership does come at an extra cost, but it is jam packed with extra features.
What We Didn’t Like
- Customer Service And Reliability- The number one problem with this service is that should you experience any problems logging in because your account has been hacked or you are being harassed by another XBOX Live user, most users complain about not receiving proper customer support. The customer support team either makes thoughtless mistakes or does not tend to the problem sufficiently or in a timely manner
- Users Must Pay Extra To Enjoy Video Services- Users can expect to pay extra for subscription services to have access to all of the content that can be enjoyed on XBOX Live.
- Updates- Updates for this hardware can take an extensive amount of time to download and apply to your XBOX.
What Content Is Available?
- Subscription services like Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Zune can all be enjoyed with XBOX 360 Live.
- ESPN and Sky Go as well as many other top names in entertainment
- Skype
Who Is This Recommended For?
- Anyone who is tired of overpaying for cable and satellite services
- Folks who want the most entertainment options for their dollar
- Anyone who is ready to take the next step towards the future of entertainment
- Silver memberships are completely free to XBOX users
- Gold memberships start at just five bucks a month
- Gold Family memberships start at just over eight dollars a month.
- XBOX 360 gaming console
- High speed internet access (recommends 4Mbps for streaming video)
- Subscription to entertainment service like Netflix or Hulu Plus
- HD TV to enjoy all of the entertainment in top quality high definition
- Kinnect- This is not required hardware, but it can add even more fun and enjoyment to your XBOX Live experience.